Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Nothing succeeds like Excess

After a Novena of prayer the Salisbury Ordinariate decided to try something new. We need to reach out to Christians of other denominations; and so a trial run was held last week at our Pastor's home. It went well, but with only a very small number present because of the short notice.

Not the biggest dining room in Salisbury
This week is part of the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity; so we decided that we would invite people to Chateau Barnes to celebrate St Paul's Conversion. Wisely my wife included an 'RSVP' slip. Now it looks as though we shall have a dozen or so attending; and our largest room will only comfortably accommodate about eight. Accordingly the occasion might be a trifle packed - but no doubt the Lord will provide. If  he could feed five thousand in Galilee he can no doubt cope easily with a dozen or so in Salisbury. Watch this space.

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